The journey of Vijay Group started with the incorporation of “Vijay Marble” in the year 1992. Vijay Marble was founded by Mr Vijay Kumar Saini with the blessings of late Mr Boduram Banisthiya in the field of mining of Indian Natural Stone at Sawar (Rajasthan). This journey of Vijay Marbles soon nurtured into Vijay Group expanding into granite and Marble divisions with widespread presence in state of Rajasthan with multiple quarries at Sawar (Fantasy Brown), Devgarh (Rajasthan Black), Lakha, Jaisalmer (Lakha Red) and Undra, Pali (Rolight Brown) all known for the rich wide spectrum of natural dimensional stones.
We have also expanded ourselves into granite and marble processing with our first advanced and customer friendly unit established in Kishangarh.
Our customer relationships have always been attractive and strong which is synonymous to our products.
We take pride in our long-lasting commitments and superior customer services delivered in every deal. In this successful journey, our trusted customers have been our greatest assets and with their support, we have been developing the most advanced technology to distribute our diversified products to renowned customers domestically and internationally.
Our ultimate goal is to use our expertise to cater to each customer’s need by offering best quality products and services at competitive prices and adorn every space with grandeur.